Weekday Drifters - Fishing
Weekday Drifters
Luckily there are more than a few HPD members who have the ability to fish during the week as often as they would like. And those in that position have been looking for more weekday "trips" to go on and Weekday Drifters hopefully will be that avenue throughout the year. Outings will not be highly planned requiring a captain to lead, instead Weekday Drifters' members will simply be given a way to know when another member is looking for company to fish his or her favorite spot(s) during the week. How these postings will be structured so all interested parties can view them is still to be figured out, but we will make it happen. The HPD Member only Facebook page will have the information when outings are happening.
Click here to view HPD Members only Facebook page
Larry Lester has generated this idea and he plans to be involved as much as he can to make this a success, but it will not be his responsibility to be putting out a steady stream of spots and dates. The plan is simply the day before, three days before or maybe two weeks before a member is planning to go fishing that member will post the info and then everyone on the Weekday Drifters list will be notified with basic details. We are thinking mostly day trips, but since we have the time why not overnight outings as well.
To become a Weekday Drifter please send to larry.lester@hotmail.com your name, cell, and email address and place Weekday Drifters on the subject line. Larry did collect names at the last HPD meeting, but to make sure, please send your info again. And if you have any suggestions regarding this venture, please let us know.