HPD - Kids Day at Lake Lehow

HPD Members' Kids Day
June 9th

Kid's Day Captain - Larry Lester

Location - Lake Lehow
Hours:  9am to 3pm

Lake Lehow is stocked with trout along with sunfish and bass.  This event is open to all HPD members who would like to take their children, grandchildren, nephews and nieces fishing for the day.  And for those members who do not have a young one that fits the previous list, but you know a young person (neighbor or friend) who would like to go fishing please see if they would like to come.  Family members who would like to come along and just watch and enjoy the day; you are welcome too.

We are setting the maximum age of the child at 18.  Members can cast out a line if needed and help land the fish, but we don't want to see you doing all of the fishing.  This day is for the kids.
Lake Lehow is located off South Wadsworth Blvd. near the parking area for Waterton Canyon.  There are restrooms and a large, covered area with benches.  Kids of all ages like to eat so bring a picnic lunch, snacks and drinks.

If you would like to come as a volunteer, please contact Larry.  We will need help with parking, clean up and assisting those members who have more than one child or teenager with them.  

Hope to see a lot of happy kids on the 9th.  Please sign up so we have an idea of who and how many faces we will see.