C.A.S.T. for Kids 6/1/24

Cast for kids is a great way to give back and teach a kid to fish. This is an international organization that provides everything for the kids. Volunteers are always needed. HPD has join up with Tiedforapurpose.com to help C.A.S.T for kids have a successful day on the water.

Children with special needs (ages 6 and older) and their caretakers come together with community volunteers for a fun day of fishing they may not otherwise experience. These events provide a refreshing break from their daily challenges. Spreading a positive message that kids with disabilities can accomplish anything, we include all children, despite their limitations. This is all made possible through national and local sponsors-people who want to make a big difference in the lives of kids with special needs thus strengthening their community.

Several members volunteered last year and it was an amazing experience.

If you have general questions please reach out to Greg Frick or Jeff Johnson


For more info click here and find the event for June 3rd in Colorado. You have to sign up on their website