San Juan Trip - 3/26/25 - 1 Seat In Dwyne's Boat (1 of 1)

Sale price Price $40.00 Regular price Unit price  per 

Fundraising Auction!  

Dwyne has graciously donated his time rowing and helping members get on fish during the San Juan Trip.

This Auction is for 1 seat in Dwyne's Boat for Wednesday 3/26/25

From Dwyne:

" I will have my Scadden 14 ft McKenzie Drifter on the San Juan trip, I have a seat in the front for 1 fisherman . We can float whatever section you want, this will be a full day day (8 Hour ) float. I will provide a hot lunch on the riverbank, you will need to provide your own drinks (There will be a cooler on board). I have two years rowing under my belt, this will be the first time on the San Juan we will take our cue's on where to fish from the Expert Sal,  I have all safty equipment and life jackets.  This will be a relaxed enjoyable day on a beautiful river."


Help the Club raise some money and have a great day on the water with a world-class rower and fisherman.